To The World Health Organization, INB, WGIHR et al..
Dear friends, Interest of Justice is Reaching out to Urge the members of the relevant committees, groups, boards etc.. in the 77th World Health Assembly, The World Health Organization,The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, The Working Group For the International Health Regulations, The executive board, PDVAC Committee WHO,
Interest of justice has written numerous times in regards to meaningful participation. Topics such as climate change, Censorship of vital health information which affects decision making and the right to truthful and adequate information, Big tech AI data hoarding and also including informed consent issues with health products human rghts violation owed erga omnes to the international community.
We also have a science integrity dispute of a private nature regarding Climate Science and would like to address these issues before implementing any international agreements.
ON SCREEN Rev4 as of 12 Feb 2024 – 20.00hrs
Climate change and health
Draft resolution proposed by Barbados, Fiji, Kenya, Monaco, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Peru, United Arab Emirates
and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly,
Having considered the report by the Director-General,
(PP3)Recognizing that climate change is one of the major threats to global public health, and noting the
urgent call issued by the WHO Director-General for global climate action to promote health and build
climate-resilient and sustainable health systems;1
%%your signature%%