WHO WHA77 IS coming fast!
May 27-June 1, 2024
What Will You Do To Help?
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The WHO and Member States want to finance WHO, change the IHR and sign a Pandemic Treaty to normalize psy op and genetic experiments that violate human rights, but we have a much better plan to EXIT the WHO & Sue the WHO instead.

About This Initiative: We aim to Sue & Exit the WHO
Legal Action Is Needed & QUICK!
WHA77 is coming quick where the WHO wants your country to invest in risky experimental mRNA platforms, pathogens of pandemic potential sharing, and censor you when you complain the WHO’s science is fraudulent.
We need to join forces and act with strategy rather than tactics. IOJ has been working on the problem of the WHO imbalance of power and breaches of duty since 2021 and has a plan but it will take YOU.
Let’s join forces as children of the light and overcome the dark forces who want to experiment on our genome and persecute our heroic whistleblowers in the name of global public health security.
It’s time to EXIT the WHO and it will require a series of lawsuits, courage, dedication and love. Join us now as we attempt to use law, wisdom and people power to make a real difference in your country & world.
You Need to Know HOW To EXIT the WHO

Take Serious Action To EXIT the WHO
Global EXIT the WHO Initiative
Global problems require global solutions. Join forces with us as we take serious legal action to prevent the adoption of unethical and unscientific WHO agendas in May 2024 WHA77.
- mRNA platform is being expanded instead of shut down
- Censorship and persecution of groups that criticize WHO
- WHO pandemic measures science is in dispute & never proven by WHO
- Vaccine passports & certificates, needing experimental vaccine to travel
- Climate Scam to enslave humanity into WEF'S insane Great Reset
- DG Tedros and WHO funder Bill Gates are in bed with Big Pharma
Sign Up Below To Legally Pressure Member States To Stop the Shots & EXIT WHO
It is time to get strategic to defeat the WHO experimental vaccine, censorship & climate scam 2030 agendas before it is too late!