#Enforce Article 55 - Prevent Late IHR Amendments At WHA 77

Enforce Article 55 – Prevent Late IHR Amendments

Enforce Article 55 – Prevent Late IHR Amendments

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Dear HHS Secretary Xavier Beccara, HHS OGA Director Loyce Pace, Deputy Director Colin McCliff, please forward to Anthony Blinken at the State Department and US President Joe Biden,

Please formally notify DG Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization that the United States will not approve any IHR amendment at the World Health Assembly, WHA 77

Article 55 of the international Health regulations requires that any amendments to be considered at the upcoming assembly must be presented at least four months in advance of the assembly.

January the 27th, 2024, was the deadline for the director general of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to communicate to you and every other member Nation a package of amendments to be considered at the 77th World Health Assembly.

Since the WHO DG failed to communicate a package of amendments in alignment with Article 55, please halt all further approvals and alert the WHO DG that US will not approve any IHR amendment at the World Health Assembly, WHA 77. We demand to halt any further approvals of any late IHR amendments which would be in violation of article 55.
