Dear U.S.A. Senators:
This letter is sent to request that you investigate the procedures by which the negotiations of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” have been, and are currently being conducted by the Biden Administration.
Despite the World Health Organization’s claims of openness and transparency, the last official version of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” was made available on May 27, 2024.
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body has been given until May 2025 to conclude negotiations, but the Biden Administration appears to be on the verge of concluding these negotiations by November 11, 2024. The Senate does not come back into session until November 12, 2024.
The Biden Administration also apparently intends to officially agree to the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” before the end of their term in office. Doing so would lock the United States into the “Pandemic Agreement” for at least 3 years. (Article 32)
Unfortunately, the Biden Administration appears to be ignoring and/or violating the proper procedures and legal requirements that are supposed to govern the conduct of these negotiations.
I call upon you to investigate this matter.
Below are just some of the questions that the Senate must ask of the Biden Administration to ensure that the proper negotiating procedures have been and are being followed. The appropriate sections of the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) are referenced for your convenience.
Has the Legal Advisor to the Secretary of State determined whether the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” is to be considered as an agreement that is (a) pursuant to a treaty, (b) pursuant to legislation, or (c) pursuant to the Constitutional authority of the President?<a href="">11 FAM 723.4</a>
Who specifically has been authorized by the Secretary of State to conduct the negotiations of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement?”<a href="">11 FAM 724.1</a>, <a href="">11 FAM 724.3</a>
Who specifically has been authorized by the Secretary of State to agree upon a date for signature and/or to sign the treaty or agreement?<a href="">11 FAM 724.2</a>, <a href="">11 FAM 724.3</a>
Has Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto and/or others involved in the “Pandemic Agreement” negotiations properly submitted an “action memorandum” seeking official authorization to negotiate and/or conclude<em> </em>a treaty or other international agreement addressed to the Secretary of State and has it been cleared with the Office of the Legal Adviser (including the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs), the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, other appropriate bureaus, and any other agency (such as Defense, Commerce, etc.) which has primary responsibility or a substantial interest in the subject matter?<a href="">11 FAM 724.3(a)</a>
Has Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto and/or others involved in the “Pandemic Agreement” negotiations formally received proper authorization in writing to negotiate and/or conclude and/or sign a treaty or other international agreement as detailed in the above mentioned “action memorandum?”<a href="http://11%20fam%20724.3(a)/">11 FAM 724.3(a)</a>
Has the Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs properly advised the appropriate Congressional leaders and committees of the intention to negotiate a significant new international agreement? Have Congressional leaders and committees been consulted concerning such agreements, and have they been kept informed of developments affecting them, including especially whether any legislation is considered necessary or desirable for the implementation of the new treaty or agreement?<a href="http://11%20fam%20725.1(5)/">11 FAM 725.1(5)</a>
Have the the potential costs associated with the proposed Pandemic Agreement’s commitment to furnish funds, goods, or services beyond or in addition to those authorized in an approved budget been determined? What arrangements are being planned or carried out concerning consultation with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for such commitment?<a href="http://11%20fam%20724.3(d)/">11 FAM 724.3(d)</a>
Have adequate reasons been provided to justify the rush to conclude the negotiations and to adopt and sign the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” before May 2025?<a href="http://11%20fam%20724.3(d)/">11 FAM 723.3(7)</a>
Does the Biden administration plan to provide a public comment period so that the will of the American people can be heard regarding the proposed “Pandemic Agreement?”<a href="http://11%20fam%20724.3(d)/">11 FAM 725.1(6)</a>
Who specifically has been given the full powers to sign the “Pandemic Agreement” on behalf of the United States?<a href="">11 FAM 745</a>
There are many reasons why I oppose the World Health Organization’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” but the main reason is because the the Biden Administration has clearly ignored the will of the American people.
Please review what We The People have to say:
Your ignore-ance of and/or ongoing silence regarding this matter will be seen as consent to the actions of the Biden Administration.
I implore you to investigate this matter and I expect you to speak out publicly about it as soon as possible.
%%your signature%%